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The time has come to announce that a major world premiere will take place during this year's Route 66 European Festival. You certainly remember last year's - very successful - tour of the rock band Doga, who wanted to taste the pleasure - and also the great responsibility - of playing directly on Route 66 during their drive with a large group of their loyal fans. The plan succeeded at least 1000 percent and the band really shined on the main street of America. In addition to the brand new music video for the song Tak ochle je dobým, director David Havlena's team managed to shoot rich visual and audio material for a documentary film , mapping this truly - we would say - pioneering journey of the party around frontman Izzi. Well, now I come to the great news that I actually wanted to share with you: The movie is finished and waiting for its TV release soon. But - and this is crucial - before that happens, the documentary will be ceremoniously - and for the very first time - presented precisely as part of our European Route 66 festival! And I am sure that Prague's Holešovice Exhibition Center is clearly the perfect place for such an event to take place. Therefore, do not forget to find time during the celebrations of the main street of America in Prague and come to Pavilion B for "a great dog in a movie". We will of course inform you of the exact time in time.



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